Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Break!

As we head into our last week of school prior to break second grade students are working with cup stacking and first grade is doing a few days of stations to review concepts learned in the first half of the year! When we return from break first and second grade students will be starting roller skating.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Class Schedule for Roller skating

These are the times that your child's class will have gym. If you would like to help out with roller skating, please return the paper that went home with your child or email me.

Schultz 9:05-9:30
Walega 9:30-9:55
Onorato 10:25-10:50
Beseth 10:50-11:15
Oliver/Olsen(Riadi) 11:15-11:40

Amish 12:45-1:10
Micetich 1:10-1:35
Tracy 2:00-2:25
Cornfield 2:25-2:50
Hull/Sis 2:50-3:15

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Basketball Team work!

As the students finish up a great first half of the school year they will be finishing basketball and are doing various activities the last week of school. Students this week will be playing actual games in second grade while first grade is working on more skills in basketball, while having fun doing it!

Please look for a note from the gym this week, as I need to get students shoe sizes prior to break so rollerskating can go smoothly after break!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Shooting for success!

The Basketball unit will start Monday, December 1st. Students in first grade will be working on individual skills before starting to play games the following week. Dribbling, Passing and Shooting skills will all be stressed before teamwork comes into play. Second grade will be reviewing basic skills before working more in depth. Both grades will be using scooters to incorporate safe movement and a bit of fun in the unit.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gobbling up the exercise!

Students in the gym at Ide are still bowling and perfecting their form. They are reminded that even though it is exercise students still need to do other activities that are a little more strenuous. After break first and second grade students will be jumping into a basketball unit to show their skills in teamwork and individual skills. Have a great break!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Changing lanes!

Students in P.E. class have spent the last couple weeks with recreational activities in the gym and will finish our recreation unit with a week and a half of bowling. Second graders will review scoring and first grade will be working on the correct bowling form before both groups start recording their scores for fun! Kindergarten students are starting to work on several jump rope skills which will lead up to a successful Jump Rope for Heart coming up after the new year!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Climbing Rocks!

The climbing unit is off to a great start as last week we stressed the rules regarding the climbing wall for 1st and 2nd grade. Students understand the importance of safe habits and the risk of injury. This week we will introduce various activities the students will enjoy which will develop better climbers. Kindergarten will be starting balancing and jumping activities that will lead up to jumping rope shortly.

No school Tuesday due to Veteran's Day! Enjoy the day off and find some time for a little physical activity!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bus and Wall Safety

This week students are starting their wall climbing unit and will also be reviewing bus safety on Wednesday. Please remind your child that their safety is very important. Safety and rules will be stressed before we start climbing this week. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trick or Treat!

With Halloween coming up this week, students will be reminded to make safe choices regarding Halloween. Another treat recently added to the Elizabeth Ide gym is the new rock wall installed by Mr. O' Shea and Alberto from Prairieview! A big thank you to those two gentlemen! Students will be starting their recreation unit this week which includes our climbing ropes and wall, bowling and other recreational activities!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Making Smart choices...

1st and 2nd grade students will be finishing up their ball skill units this week by spending time practicing each of these skills in various stations. Even though we are spending a lot of time working in different sports students are reminded to make healthy and safe choices. The Next unit will be a recreation unit with climbing and other activities to do for fun!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Gym Night Success!

Thanks to everyone that helped make gym night a success. I know a lot of time went into planning and giving up your friday night to help. The students had a blast and had quite a workout! While not everyone was able to visit every station, it appears the rope climb was the biggest hit! Not to worry as the climbing wall will be going up shortly and we will be starting our recreation unit(climbing included)!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Keep it Up!

Students this week will continue working on several ball skills. Volleyball, basketball, and soccer skills will all be covered as well as hitting, throwing and catching.

Gym Night is this friday night! Come ready to be active all night. We will have stations similar to gym class only a lot more!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nestle Labels

Just a reminder: We are still collecting Nestle Go Play Labels. Last years students brought in enough labels to purchase 18 new jump ropes.

First and Second Graders this week will be learning a variety of ball skills prior to our sports units. Students in first grade will be working on many of the basics of throwing, catching and kicking, while second grade will spend more time developing specific skills.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Balancing Act

Students have been doing a great job with some difficult movements. In class we are stressing that certain things may be difficult but don't give up. 1st grade has been working on headstands and forward rolls and will continue to work on certain balancing movements. 2nd grade has been doing some movements that were slightly more difficult.

Just a reminder: We are still collecting Nestle Go Play Labels.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Keep It Movin!

The fitness unit was ended in a great way as second graders recorded bests in pushups and situps. Next, students will spend a couple weeks working on a movement unit. Students in 1st and 2nd grade will be reviewing a little of what they learned last year while learning new movements on the safety mats.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Be an animal in Gym class!

Kindergarten is working on several animal walks while coming up with some of their own. First and second will start to work weekly with jump ropes. 1st and 2nd Grade Curriculum Night is this Wednesday (9/10)! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Get Fit!

After a nice long weekend we are back and ready to start our first units of the year! Students in first and second grade are starting their fitness units, and kindergarten will be starting a movement unit. Students will continue learning of ways to be a good sport before we play various games this year.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I hope everyone is excited for another year of P.E. For those students and parents who are new, 1st and 2nd grade students have P.E. every day and Kindergarten follows a rotating schedule where they have P.E. twice a week for two trimesters and once a week for the other trimester. On days your child has gym/P.E. please be sure they have gym shoes with them. I wish everyone a fun and healthy year!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Stay active, Be safe!

As students enter their last week we will be discussing things that we can do to stay healthy, and be safe, as well as doing a few last activities! I have had such an enjoyable first year, and hope the success the students had this year continues next year! A final note: Thank you to all the parents, staff, and anyone else I may be forgetting that has made my first year such a success!
Good Luck to the current 2nd grade next year at Prairieview!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Testing... 1,2,3

With summer fast approaching students will be able to be active and should strive to maintain healthy habits, while working to improve overall strength and endurance. 1st grade students will be tested this week and next, and then again in the fall as second graders. Kindergarten with only a few days left will be finishing up the school year with a few more activities outside. Compliments to the second grade classes that worked with the kindergarten classes during gym this week! They were excellent role models for the younger students!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Tag Team Effort!

The week started off with the letter "I" for Ice cream, and followed with Jump Rope, Kickball, "L" for Lollipops, and ends today with Movie and Munchies Day. Instead of eating, in gym we changed the days to Improving our skills, and Limbo Day for I and L. Next week students will work in unison to complete various activities using the parachute. The P.E. class will also be joining up with Ms. Wyse two days next week! Next week's letters: N,O,P,Q, and R.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Great Outdoors

While we continue to do the alphabet countdown, students are entering their last unit in gym. We are reviewing things we covered this year throughout our outdoor unit. Weather permitting, students will be spending more time outside. The stress of this unit will be control and working in groups, partners, or as a class to acheive certain goals! Next week's letters of the countdown are I,J,K,L, and M.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Don't count the days, make the days count!

A slight adjustment to the last few weeks of school. Not just Kindergarten but all students at Ide have begun the 26 days of the alphabet. In gym class, students will participate in activities relating to the letter of the day. This week for B day the students were able to have a book read to them outside. Dance Day will start off the beginning of next week. Other letter activities students will do in gym include jump rope day, outside day, sports day, and rock and roll day. As school winds down we need to remember not to count the days but make the days count!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Staying on track!

Students in first and second grade are trying several different options as we do a very short track unit. Students have competed as a team in relays, ran short and long races, and are trying hurdles, and several jumping activities. Kindergarten will be starting their countdown of 26 letters of the alphabet next week and this will carry over in the gym!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Standing In

Students who brought in the most money for Jump Rope for Heart were rewarded outside of the standard from the American Heart Association. I chose to give the students an extra incentive and allow them to become the P.E. Teacher for one day during their gym time. Students have done a terrific job so far and respected the teacher! The teacher also was able to pick their warm up and activity for the day!

Friday, April 11, 2008


We will be finishing up our soccer unit next week, as this week we started playing soccer games and students are doing a fantastic job. Their practice with the skills part of the unit has carried over and I have seen several students using their knees and head to move the ball! Kindergarten has been working on dribbling this week and have exercised great control!
Next up: Students will get a chance to individually succeed in our track unit, as we have been in several team sport units. As the weather gets nice, give your children a chance to get outside and practice. Students understand that to become better at something no matter what it is, they have to practice!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Soccer Goals!

With some money that was used for the P.E. department, Elizabeth Ide was able to buy two soccer goals for the outside field area. While we are in our soccer unit students will get a chance to use these over the next two weeks as the weather gets warmer. Students of all ages at Ide are doing a fantastic job with the fundamentals of soccer. This week we start the more competitive side this upcoming week and this will allow students to demonstrate these skills while still having fun!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome Back!

Students are returning to school after a nice spring break. In P.E. students will be starting a soccer unit at all levels. Kindergarten will focus more on the fundamentals and a passing with partners. First and Second grade will spend a few days on passing and kicking fundamentals, then move to several drills and playing full games.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Break!

Students have deserved a much needed break. Students worked hard to collect donations for Jump Rope for Heart and Participating this week. The final turn-in was Thursday and Elizabeth Ide raised 9,309 dollars!!! Thank you to everyone that made this year's JUMP ROPE FOR HEART a success. Enjoy the rest of your spring break and come back rested!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Celebrate Jump Rope for Heart!

Monday March 17th is the culmination of Jump Rope for Heart. Students have done an excellent job collecting money even though we are quite short of our lofty goal. So far the students have raised just under 5,000 dollars. Monday students will be celebrating and jumping for all those that have heart disease and stroke. Thank you to all who have donated for this worthy cause! Don't forget to ask your child about the different Jump Rope activities they have done on Monday!

Monday, March 10, 2008

There is no I in team!

This week students will have the chance to communicate with fellow teammates in some trust activities and continue to develop several skills working as part of a team. Communication is an important aspect of working as a team. We will also have a few people take turns being a leader of teams. This is another important aspect of how well a team functions!

There is no I in team, but there is one in LIFESAVER! As the money for jump rope for heart comes in, students with 50 dollar donations will put their name on a heart and attach it to our Lifesaver wall. With no school Friday we ask that you try to have your money turned in by Thursday, March 13th. This way the students can see how well they have done!

Monday, March 3, 2008

3 for 3

As the second semester comes to an end, the first and second grade students are starting a set of new units. They will be starting Health and a Team Unit. Students will understand the importance of taking care of themselves and at the same time working in unison with others to achieve a goal. Kindergarten will continue to work on developing several skills. All three grades are encouraged to continue fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart and will spend considerable time jumping rope the next few weeks! The best way to get better is by practicing. Students can do this at home by bringing their own jump rope home for just bringing $15 dollars in for Jump Rope for Heart!
Two trimesters down, one more to go! Other units this semester include soccer, outdoor activities, and track!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jump Rope for HEART

Your students have been sent home with a parent letter regarding Jump Rope for Heart. Be sure to ask your child about it. We are trying to raise money for the American Heart association for heart disease and stroke. The primary goal of this fund raiser is to help those in need. There is also an incentive program for those students who bring in the most money! In addition to the Thank You gifts from the American Heart Association, I have presented the classes with opportunities to raise the most money as a class and as an individual. Please support your child's effort in raising money for this important cause. The event will take place March 17th! Anyone willing to come in and help prior to the event to count money or help out with stations on March 17th is welcome to. Please email me first. Thank you!

Jump Rope for HEART

Your students have been sent home with a parent letter regarding Jump Rope for Heart. Be sure to ask your child about it. We are trying to raise money for the American Heart association for heart disease and stroke. The primary goal of this fund raiser is to help those in need. There is also an inncentive program for those students who bring in the most money! In addition to the Thank You gifts from the American Heart Association, I have presented the classes with opportunities to raise the most money as a class and as an individual. Please support your child's effort in raising money for this important cause. The event will take place March 17th! Anyone willing to come in and help prior to the event to count money or help out with stations on March 17th is welcome to. Please email me first. Thank you!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dance To Dance

Students are doing a fantastic job as we move to more complicated dances! Students have learned the macarena as well as the whole YMCA dance and are looking forward to the electric slide and the Cha Cha slide. It is important to let your son or daughter know just how great it is that they are dancing and is a way to exercise especially during the indoor months. This dance unit will be coming to an end after just a few more dances, but look for your child to show their moves off at the Snowflake Ball!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Staying Warm, Staying Active!

As we are in between cold snow showers, students in first and second grade have finished their bowling units and are excited about our upcoming dance unit starting next week. Look for your children to soon be doing the chicken dance, the cha cha slide and several others! Before we start our dance unit students are actively engaged in various games and activities. Ask your child what they have been doing and what they can do to stay active around the house during this winter season.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowling

The students at Ide have been busy! All ages are in their bowling units and are doing a fantastic job. First and Second grade students are learning how to keep score as well as the proper way to bowl. Kindergarten is just starting but they have done a wonderful job so far. While bowling isn't a very intense activity, the students understand the importance of staying active year round! To reinforce this students have been working on increasing their endurance, and doing a variety of activities in addition to bowling!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Keep Rolling...

Now that we return to normalcy with P.E. class after a chaotic but fun unit of roller skating, we are in full swing with bowling. Students seem to be enjoying this just as much as skating. Ask them how they have been doing! Students will even be keeping track of their scores on score sheets. Next week we will be introducing a few more ways to have fun with bowling once everyone grasps the basics.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Skating to a stop!

Thank you to all the parents that put in countless hours of help; tying and untying, Strapping and unstrapping, adjusting, and everything else. I could not have done it without you! For those parents that were unable to come in ask your child about their skating experience. They should be able to tell you a few ways to stop and maybe even show you how to go backwards!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Helmets for Roller Skating

As we start our roller skating unit, I want to ensure complete safety for all of our students. In order to do this I would like to require all students to wear a helmet. We have been provided with enough helmets for each student. However, if you do not feel comfortable with your child sharing a helmet with other children, then you can provide your own helmet. I do understand that this is a concern, but I would like to inform you that the company providing helmets has never had a problem.
If this is a concern of yours then here are some options to consider. The first option is to bring your own biking or roller skating helmet with your child’s first and last name labeled somewhere visible. The second option is to send your child with a cap or hat to wear under the helmets provided.
I am sorry for the late notice as we start our roller skating unit. If you would like your child to wear their own helmet or a cap under the helmet provided then please send the appropriate equipment as soon as possible. Please be reminded that your child will be required to wear the helmet provided until you send the proper equipment.

Mr. Kukulski
Physical Education Teacher