Monday, January 26, 2015

Assessing and Four Square

Students in first grade will be learning to play four square at the end of this week as we wrap up our tennis unit.  Second grade will be taking ownership and recording their own data as they try their best as they do some different running activities in PE.

Next week, students will take part in an assembly for Jump Rope for Heart.  This will be our kickoff as students will try and raise money for "kids with special hearts".  We will wrap up our event on the last two school days of February with a celebration during PE.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Gym Night!

I look forward to seeing all of you who signed up for gym night!  If you weren't able to make the cut off don't worry!  We are having a second gym night this year later in the spring! It looks to be a fun night with stations throughout the gym and a few other parts of the school!

Look for a save the date coming home in the weekly notes for Jump Rope for Heart!  This year our kickoff assembly will be as a school instead of individual classes and our rep will be doing the kickoff with some special incentives!