Sunday, April 21, 2013

Last week Staley and the Chicago Bears joined our school for a bullying assembly!  They discussed the different types of bullies and how to handle bullies.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Health Nuts!

Our pillow hockey unit was a great chance for students to work on so many things.  Students came up with there own teams names agreed upon by the team, and had a chance to play against different teams, while getting a chance to play all different positions over the course of two weeks.  This week, we will be discussing ways to be healthy and playing a bunch of health games.  As the weather gets better, we will hopefully be able to do these activities outside!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back after a long restful break.  First and second grade will be finishing up their floor hockey units this week.   Kindergarten will be working on cooperation skills through various activities the next two weeks.
With less than 50 days left of school...Let's not count the days, but make the days count!