Sunday, November 29, 2009

Change of Schedule!

Kindergarten this week starts a new schedule. Please make sure your son or daughter has gym shoes for the correct day of the week.
Here is the schedule for the next trimester...
Mrs. Finn's class- Monday and Thursday
Mrs. Krep's class- Tuesday
Mrs. Mazurowski's class- Wednesday and Friday

Kindergarten will also be starting jump rope this week!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


As we approach the end of the trimester, students have finished the basketball unit and are moving onto another team sport. Kickball is a great sport for cooperation. Students will need to work together, while working on skills that can be applied to other sports such as baseball or softball. Rules will be covered this week and we will begin games when we get back from Thanksgiving break!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Scootin' along

Kindergarten is starting to learn safety rules for using the scooters as they learn various games. Students know how the scooters should be used and the consequences for not using the scooters safely.
The weather is changing very rapidly as we approach December. Please send your children to school with appropriate clothing, and remind them to wear their jackets when going to and from school.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stay Healthy!

Please remember tips for staying healthy.
-Drink plenty of water
-Get proper rest
-Exercise everyday
-Wash hands often

While in the middle of the basketball unit, students are doing a fantastic job! More than just individual skills are stressed. In addition to staying healthy, students willing be learning team play and fairness as team sports are introduced. Enjoy the mid-week break!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

There is no "I" in team!

I hope everyone had a safe, long, relaxing weekend! As we start this week, both first grade and second grade will be starting their basketball units. Emphasis will be put on individual skills and improving everyday. As we proceed emphasis will switch to team play and sportsmanship.
Kindergarten has done a great job with throwing and catching and will continue to work on several skills over the next couple of weeks!