Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Scootin' into break
This week all grade levels will be participating in some winter games while using scooters. After break we will return and start several team units! Have a good last week before break!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Dress Warm!
With the first snow fall upon us, I would like to remind you that students must dress appropriately for the weather. Students are sometimes limited to the blacktop instead of going up the hill because they do not come to school with boots and snow pants. We will try going outside as much as the weather allows us so please send your child with warm coats, hats, and gloves as well!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Parent Teacher Conferences
The Specials(Art, Music, and PE) team will be around after school on Thursday for conferences.
During this shortened week students will be working on cooperation as they will complete a variety of activities using the parachute and scooters! Students completed their dance unit and did a fantastic job working with various partners. Keep up the good work!
During this shortened week students will be working on cooperation as they will complete a variety of activities using the parachute and scooters! Students completed their dance unit and did a fantastic job working with various partners. Keep up the good work!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Have a good break!
This short week will go by fast as we finish our dance unit. Second grade has done a great job learning new square dances, while first grade is learning other dances.
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a good break!
Happy Thanksgiving! Have a good break!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Square Dancing!
Second grade begins square dancing this week! More important than learning the steps, students are taught the importance of working in groups and partners, and considering the feelings of others. While students are having fun doing a unit that is very different than any other this year, they learn more than dance skills over the next few weeks.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
During this shortened week, students will be learning how quickly germs spread and what we can do to prevent this. 1st and 2nd grade will also be discussing other ways to take care of themselves and taking responsibility for their health.
Veteran's Day is Thursday! Thank a veteran!
Veteran's Day is Thursday! Thank a veteran!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Healthy After Halloween!
It's easy to become less active and eat more as the weather becomes cooler. Fight that urge and stay healthy! Mr. Albanese will be discussing several health related topics over the next two weeks. Ask your child what they have learned and how they plan to stay healthy and take care of themselves.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Bus Safety
This week students at Ide will be spending a day during gym class reviewing the bus procedures. Bus Evacuations will take place at the end to wrap up should the students need to get off of a bus in an emergency. Please help review these rules and procedures with your child!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Student Teacher!
Mr. Albanese will be joining us at Elizabeth Ide for the next 8 weeks. He is a very active and motivated student at Eastern Illinois. While he has a wide variety of experiences, his focus is on obtaining a physical education degree and becoming a PE/Health teacher and a coach. Please welcome him to our district!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Change of Pace
During this short week in P.E., students will be learning to take their heart rates. First they will do this at rest, then after various exercises and warm-ups through out the week. We will also discuss other effects and benefits of exercise. Students will also try to maintain a sustained pace for a short time, with different students leading runs this week.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Fitness Fun!
Students will be setting goals while learning about different fitness concepts. They will be encouraged to work to improve over a long period of time. Hopefully, students will see the gains they have made in various areas. This week, endurance, strength and flexibility will be stressed. Through exercise students will be able to improve in these areas. Ask your children which exercises relate to what area of fitness.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Four Square
This week first and second grade students will be learning how to play four square. In addition to working together will a group of partners, and catching and bouncing; students are also able to develop problem solving skills and spend more time playing rather than arguing. After all, students learn the best when they are enjoying a game!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
As we finish up this first month of school, kindergarten students have done a great job practicing various brain gyms, warm ups, and animal walks. Even though kindergarten does not come to gym every day, they are able demonstrate everything that they have learned and continue to practice safety and cooperation.
-Please remember to send gym shoes with your child if they do not wear them to school. It makes it very difficult for them to participate in boots, crocs, flip flops, etc. Thank you!
-Please remember to send gym shoes with your child if they do not wear them to school. It makes it very difficult for them to participate in boots, crocs, flip flops, etc. Thank you!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Ball Control
Students over the past week have been working in partners throwing and catching. They have done a fantastic job, trying their best and helping make their partners better. This upcoming week students will spend more time working on various skills. Students will get into basic juggling and a few reaction games!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Curriculum Night
It was great to see all of you at open house! This year has started out great, and students are putting forth great effort and interacting positively with one another. This Thursday is 1st and 2nd grade curriculum night, feel free to stop by either before or after you make it to your child's class. I look forward to seeing all of you!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thanks for being a good sport!
As we finish the first week of school, students have reviewed and learned rules and procedures that apply to P.E. class. We have also spent some time with activities where students demonstrate respect and good sportsmanship. Ask your children about different ways they were "good sports" in P.E. this week. This next week as well as the rest of the year, students will work on trying their best and trying to constantly improve in everything they do!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Welcome to a New Year!
There is a lot of news as we start a brand new year at Elizabeth Ide! First off, we have a new gym floor, as well as new floors throughout the rest of Ide. Be sure to check out the new look during our Open House. Lastly, Ide will have a few student teachers throughout the year. One of these will be Mr. Albanese in the gym for most of October and November. I look forward to seeing all of you during the Open House! Have a great year!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
All School Picnic
We start off the last full week of school with the letter "T" and students in the gym will be participating in tug-o-war competitions. The week will end with our all school picnic where students will be spending the day doing various stations. Thank you to all the parents that have volunteered to make this event possible!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Letters : O,P,Q,R,S

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jumping Around!
This week starts with J day where students will demonstrate their jump rope abilities from Kindergarten to Second grade. The progress the students have made from the beginning of the year is unbelievable!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Unique Success!
This past friday students at Elizabeth Ide participated in a unique assembly (gameshow), which gave students opportunities to recall facts learned throughout the year according to subject and grade. On top of that it was Dance day in the gym and students reviewed several dances from our unit!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Back to the ABC's
Starting in the middle of next week, Elizabeth Ide will be starting our ABC countdown with the last 26 days of school. Students will be participating in different activities in P.E. according to each letter that has to do with something that they learned this year.
Open House next week: April 29th
Hope to see you all there!
Open House next week: April 29th
Hope to see you all there!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
As it gets warmer as we all need to remember to stay hydrated. With the weather cooperating students are outside sometimes three times a day. Physical activity is great but we need to remember to replenish our bodies with what it needs....WATER!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Kickin' it around
Soccer for all grades will start Monday April 12th. Students will be learning positions, the importance of team play and skills needed to excel in soccer. Even though we have finished our health unit, students will continue to reflect on the importance of everyday habits and exercising to stay healthy!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Food Pyramid
As we return to school, students will continue to practice healthy habits while learning about the food pyramid. Kindergarten will be finishing their rock climbing, and are doing a fantastic job while being safe!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A Healthy Start to spring break
First and Second grade will be discussing different aspects of their health this week leading up to spring break. Germs, exercise, healthy habits, safety, and nutrition will all be covered while students will be playing games to reinforce these topics.
-Don't forget first grade has their musical this Wednesday!
-Don't forget first grade has their musical this Wednesday!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day Light Savings
With the change in time, it gives us an extra hour to exercise while it's still light out! Both grades are continuing their respective units but are eagerly waiting to get outside. First grade has done a fantastic job working in teams to complete tasks and compete in games.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Together Everyone Achieves More
This week students in first grade will begin a team work unit where they understand the importance of working together and encouraging everyone. Second grade will be starting their cupstacking unit, which will mix in the ability to work individually as well as part of a team for relays!
Monday, March 1, 2010
3 in a row
This will be the third year in a row that Elizabeth Ide has raised over five thousand dollars for the American Heart Association and their efforts to help people with heart disease. Our grand total for the 2009-2010 Jump Rope for Heart is $5,697.00
As we conclude the second trimester, students will be finishing their bowling units. Students in second grade are working on totaling their scores while first grade is adding up pins in each frame.
As we conclude the second trimester, students will be finishing their bowling units. Students in second grade are working on totaling their scores while first grade is adding up pins in each frame.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thank you!
A big thank you goes out to the families at Elizabeth Ide for supporting Jump Rope for Heart. Thank you for helping your child collect donations and getting them get excited about helping others. All donations will need to be turned in by this Thursday. After that I will not be able to send any more donations in.
As a school and grade we had some pretty high goals. While we didn't reach them, we did come close and had fun tracking our progress. As a school we have raised 4328 dollars that was turned in. Online and late turn in donations have not been accounted for yet.
Thank you gifts will be passed out 3-4 weeks after all donations have been sent in. Thank you again for supporting Jump Rope for Heart and the American Heart Association.
As a school and grade we had some pretty high goals. While we didn't reach them, we did come close and had fun tracking our progress. As a school we have raised 4328 dollars that was turned in. Online and late turn in donations have not been accounted for yet.
Thank you gifts will be passed out 3-4 weeks after all donations have been sent in. Thank you again for supporting Jump Rope for Heart and the American Heart Association.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Jump Rope for Heart is taking place this week with students enjoying various jump rope activities and participating in a celebration for their efforts in raising donations for the American Heart Association. While our goal is still in reach we have a ways to go. With one week to go students have brought in over $1100 dollars!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Jump Into the Cause
Students have already started bringing in donations. This week and next each grade will be learning heart facts. Every day they will learn about the causes, warning signs, and ways that their contributions help!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Square your set
Second grade is beginning square dancing this week. Emphasis is put on learning the basics, positions and considering others' feelings while having fun. Students have done a great job so far with their dance unit and have learned some new and interesting warm ups.
Reminder: Jump Rope for Heart turn in is the week of February 15th.
Reminder: Jump Rope for Heart turn in is the week of February 15th.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Dancing is a great way to be active while having fun doing it. Students enjoy the different dances that they learn each year, while reviewing a few they have done before. All grades will be learning dances with difficulty increasing in each grade. Ask your son or daughter which dances they have been learning over the next couple of weeks.
Please remember to support Jump Rope for Heart. Each grade is participating in a friendly competition against the other grades for a reward during gym class.
Please remember to support Jump Rope for Heart. Each grade is participating in a friendly competition against the other grades for a reward during gym class.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Jump Rope for Heart!
This is the third year in a row that Elizabeth Ide will participate in Jump Rope for Heart. All grades will be doing jump rope activities during the week leading up to February 19th. Students will be shown a video, explaining the ways to get donations.
This is a great cause please support our students and our school as we hope to have another successful year!
This is a great cause please support our students and our school as we hope to have another successful year!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Face Off!
This week pillow hockey will be in full swing! Students have spent time all last week demonstrating skills needed to play. Students will get a chance to play many positions and many games throughout the week. Because this is an intense physical activity, the games will be short with plenty of time to rest.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Welcome Back!
With the start of a new year we are back in full swing with a new unit. Pillow hockey will be introduced with emphasis on skills and safety. While the sticks we will be using are padded, their is still a risk for injury. Once skills are learned students, will learn positions and play games.
Jump Rope for Heart will be February 19th this year!
Jump Rope for Heart will be February 19th this year!
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